
Public Procurement is an area fraught with issues if one is not given the right advice at the appropriate juncture. There are various difficulties which a potential tenderer or a tenderer may face. Issues with filling the appropriate forms, drafting the appropriate agreements with joint venture partners or subcontractors, the engagement of key experts, interpreting of the tender dossier, ensuring that the offer is up to spec. These are all issues which are faced daily by any prospective tenderer. 
At Dingli & Dingli Law Firm we understand that you may need support in your business to ensure that you’re compiling a tender properly. You may even need support to ensure that all the information submitted is correct, accurate and according to the specifications. You may need support throughout the whole procedure. Hence, we have devised our bespoke service to ensure that you’re accompanied throughout the whole tendering procedure and we tailor our service to you in a manner as to ensure that our strengths in public procurement become your strength in bidding.
Our expertise boasts professionals who are capable of dissecting a tender dossier in a manner as to make it easy to deal with.  We may draft all the legal documentation you may need in a tendering procedure, we may advise on the tender specifications and/or the general or special conditions regulating a tender, the obligations of the contractor and/or any other issue which may arise during the whole tendering procedure, including post-award.