
The insurance industry is one of the most important players in Malta both for the servicing of the local insurance needs as well as international ones. In so far as the international business is concerned, Malta has in fact over the years acquired an excellent reputation as a domicile of choice for insurance and re-insurance providers including captives, to set up shop in Malta. Malta’s membership in the European Union opening up EU passporting opportunities, an approachable Regulator as well as the presence in Malta of a number reputable international insurance managers, have all added to Malta’s success story in the insurance sector.

Our Firm has over the years worked with numerous insurance service providers ranging from fully fledged insurance companies, captives, insurance agents as well as cell companies in different roles and functions. Our services include but are not limited to, provision of incorporation services, structuring and restructuring, advising on specific transactions to be undertaken including in relation to financing, passporting into other EU jurisdictions as well as ongoing corporate support services. A number of our lawyers have also been duly approved by the Malta Financial Services Authority as fit and proper persons to occupy different roles in licensed insurance entities, roles which we execute professionally with pride and diligence.