
Dingli & Dingli Law Firm understands that privacy, personal data processing and protection may be elements in your business which you have not yet managed to fully get to grips with. We also understand that you may not even understand where you should start from to ensure full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). You may have heard terms such as “GDPR”, “privacy policy”, “data subject”, “subject access request” without fully understanding what they imply for your business. You may know that your company is a data controller but you do not really fathom what this really means for your business. You may not even have the time to delve into these topics.  

Or you may have advanced knowledge of personal data protection but you need legal guidance on how to harness that knowledge to the best advantage of your company. 

We can help your business grow even in this area.  

Whether you are a start-up, an established business or a self-employed person, we have the right people, the right skills and the right resources for us to be able to give you the personalised attention and the advice you need to mainstream data protection and privacy in your daily operations, ensuring that you not only become GDPR compliant – but remain compliant.  

We can be with you along the way with advice, drafting of the necessary documents (such as data protection/privacy policies, data processor agreements)  and preparing all the documents you will need as a data controller to become fully compliant with GDPR. We may also audit your processes and provide the advice you require to ensure that you minimise that you, in your capacity as data controller, may be facing. We may assist with subject access requests, issues of legality of processing and all other data protection issue which may be troubling you or which, as yet, you have not yet identified.  

Our approach is one of prevention:- we work with you to identify issues and address them  and fill in any gap before becoming an issue so you may concentrate on your business.